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We provide two Import options which both revolve around extracting images from your Help Center. This second option requires you to authenticate with your Help Center credentials. This option is more powerful and the recommended method and while it also returns a JSON response with all the images and their support article relationships, this response provides a more detailed response.

The authentication required is also a precursor to the Sync process, so ultimately where you would be headed.

Create an import job

POST /helpcenter/import

Data constraints

The following fields are required as JSON Payload.

  "integrationId": "d9e45598-d24d-40d8-baf6-33b6185c61b3"
integrationIdSee Help Center Integration Section

Check an Import Progress

GET /helpcenter/import/:import_job_id


Data constraints

A valid :import_job_id is required.

Optional parameter:

By default, the response will be a list of images with their corresponding images. You can change the default output by appending a query string with the name dimension. For example:

GET /helpcenter/import/:import_job_id?dimension=articles

Supported values: articles or images (default)

imagesDisplay a list of images with their corresponding articles
articlesDisplay a list of articles with their corresponding images

Success Response

Condition: If everything is OK
Code: 200
Content Example:
  "id": "f3940632-832f-4b84-8c50-0a68729bea7b",
  "summary": {
    "total": 45,
    "success": 45,
    "pending": 0,
    "failed": 0
  "total": {
    "articles": 45,
    "images": {
      "total": 291,
      "unique": 145,
      "duplicate": 147
    "authors": 0
  "images": [
      "url": "",
      "cloud": null,
      "name": "15673086642459",
      "alt": "Launchbrightly-home-screen.png",
      "type": "png",
      "width": 2876,
      "height": 1642,
      "size": 334513,
      "hash": "233e5a21be9f879e363023e2fcf9a2ddca993ba576d12a6255a40b48ea1b1b63",
      "articlesCount": 1,
      "articles": [
          "kbid": "15673272113051",
          "url": "",
          "title": "Select the Import Help Center option during account set up"

Error Response(s)

Condition: If the import job id is invalid or does not exist
Code: 404
Content Example:
  "message": "The job does not exist or invalid"

Validate API Credentials

Please see integration connection verification endpoint.