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Import Help Center from Crawl

We provide two Import options which both revolve around extracting images from your Help Center. The first option is to crawl your Help Center and return a JSON response with all the images and their support article relationships. This is a great way to get started with the API, without requiring any authenticated access. All you need is a URL to your Help Center.

You could consider this option as a dry-run of the import process. You can use this to get a feel for the API and the data that will be returned. It could conceptually be used for competitive intelligence as well.

Create an import job

POST /helpcenter/import


Data constraints

A valid url is required as JSON Payload.

    "url": ""
  "cloud":  {
        "upload": "s3",
        "path": "vidmob/uploads"
Fields (optional)ValueDescription
cloud.uploads3Save images to Amazon S3 bucket
cloud.pathscreenshots/uploadsSets the S3 path, including subdirectories

💡 Want to save to your Amazon S3 Bucket?

If you would like to save the imported images in your own S3 bucket, please email us at with the S3 access key, S3 secret key, and S3 bucket name, and we will gladly configure the storage with your set of credentials.

Using your own S3 bucket gives you complete control over your images. You can implement your own deletion policies and have full control over how or when they can be accessed.

Success Response

Condition: If everything is OK
Code: 202
Content Example:
  "import_job_id": "5592eac6-dfaf-47b8-890a-b6d7cdd7b0ac",
  "platform": "Zendesk",
  "message": "Your import request has been received successfully"

Error Response(s)

Condition: If validation fails e.g url is invalid or missing
Code: 422
Content Example:
  "errors": [
    "The URL entered is invalid."


Condition: A URL that is not in our list of supported platform
Code: 501
Content Example:
  "message": "We are unable to detect this Help Center platform."


Condition: Any other errors
Code: 500
Content Example:
  "message": "An error occurred while processing your request."

cURL example:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "url": "",
    "cloud":  {
        "upload": "s3",
        "path": "screenshots/uploads"

Check an Import Progress

GET /helpcenter/import/:import_job_id


Data constraints

A valid :import_job_id is required.

Optional parameter:

By default, the response will be a list of images with their corresponding images. You can change the default output by appending a query string with the name dimension. For example:

GET /helpcenter/import/:import_job_id?dimension=articles

Supported values: articles or images (default)

imagesDisplay a list of images with their corresponding articles
articlesDisplay a list of articles with their corresponding images

Success Response

Condition: If everything is OK
Code: 200
Content Example:
  "id": "5592eac6-dfaf-47b8-890a-b6d7cdd7b0ac",
  "summary": {
    "total": 44,
    "success": 44,
    "pending": 0,
    "failed": 0
  "total": {
    "articles": 44,
    "images": {
      "unique": 42,
      "duplicate": 1
    "authors": 1
  "images": [
      "url": "",
      "cloud": {
        "upload": "s3",
        "fileObject": "screenshots/uploads/imported_mceclip0.png",
        "bucket": "somebucketname"
      "name": "MariDeal-Reward-Points-Program.png",
      "alt": "MariDeal-Reward-Points-Program.png",
      "type": "jpg",
      "width": 1200,
      "height": 628,
      "size": 415587,
      "articlesCount": 1,
      "articles": [
          "kbid": "6345902854290",
          "url": "",
          "title": "MariDeal Rewards - Loyalty Program – MariDeal Help Center"

Error Response(s)

Condition: If the import job id is invalid or does not exist
Code: 404
Content Example:
  "message": "The job does not exist or invalid"

cURL Example:

curl --location --request GET ''