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Execute Actions

When taking a screenshot of your Application, you are often eager to set it up in a specific state before taking the screenshot. We support this by allowing you to execute a set of automated actions before the screenshot is captured. And if you think about it, this is essentially what is needed for password-gated Web Applications where you need to log in to see the feature you want to capture.

The bare minimum required to take an Action

POST /screenshot


  "elementSelector": [
  "steps": [
      "type": "navigate",
      "url": ""

Steps reference:

Typically, before taking a screenshot, you might need to log in to a website, navigate to a specific page and click on a link. The screenshot API allows you to compose a series of steps that mimic the behavior of a user browsing.

The following step types can be combined to build a user flow before capturing a screenshot:

Step: change

Allows you to change the input field e.g when filling an email or password

  "type": "change",
  "value": "",
  "selectors": [

Step: click

Click on an html element e.g a button or a hyperlink.

  "type": "click",
  "selectors": [
    "button.m-r-small > span > span",

Step: hover

Hover over an html element e.g a menu item or a button

  "type": "hover",
  "selectors": [
    ".menu#ul li:nth-child(1)"

Step: keyDown

A keyDown event is fired when a key is pressed.

  "type": "keyDown",
  "key": "Enter"

The key field can also support an array of keys to type.

  "type": "keyDown",
  "key": [

The list of key values can be found here (third-column: Code)

Step: keyUp

A keyUp event is fired when a key is released.

  "type": "keyUp",
  "key": "Enter"

The key field can also support an array of keys to type.

  "type": "keyUp",
  "key": [

The list of key values can be found here (third-column: Code)

Step: write

The write step mimics continuous typing of texts with a 200ms delay in between each typed character. This is useful in cases where you are typing in a search box that dynamically shows results as you are typing.

  "type": "write",
  "text": "Hello World",
  "selectors": [

Step: navigate

Navigates to a specific web page.

  "type": "navigate",
  "url": ""

Step: waitFor

Allows you to pause for x milliseconds.

  "type": "waitFor",
  "value": 3000

Step: waitForElement

This step wait for the presence (or absence) of a number of elements identified by a selector. For example, the following step waits for the presence of css class .button#login.

  "type": "waitForElement",
  "selectors": [
  "visible": true

Step: hideElement

This step hides an HTML element by setting its CSS property to display: none. You can either specify a CSS selector or an XPath expression.

  "type": "hideElement",
  "selectors": [
    "body > div > h1",

Step: removeElement

This step completely removes the HTML element from the DOM, which will eventually hide the element. The main difference compared to a hideElement step is that this will cause a change in the layout. You can either specify a CSS selector or an XPath expression.

  "type": "removeElement",
  "selectors": [
    "body > div > h1",


Below is a series of examples demonstrating various properties of the screenshot API endpoint.

Example 1: Login to, capture a screenshot and add some styling.

  "elementSelector": [
    "body > > div > div"
  "prefersColorScheme": "light",
  "responseType": "image",
  "deviceScaleFactor": 1,
  "margin": 10,
  "backgroundColor": "purple",
  "borderRadius": 25,
  "steps": [
      "type": "navigate",
      "url": ""
      "type": "change",
      "value": "",
      "selectors": [
      "type": "change",
      "value": "12345678",
      "selectors": [
      "type": "click",
      "waitForNavigation": 1000,
      "selectors": [
        "aria/Sign in[role=\"button\"]",
        "#new_user > button",
      "type": "navigate",
      "url": ""